Court of Protection

Our Court of Protection team deals with all matters concerning adults who maybe the subjects of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. We are able to advise and assist in all areas including best interests, consent to medical treatment, deprivation of liberty, deputyship, finances, property, capacity, accommodation, contact, residence, statutory wills and consent to marriage and sexual relationships.

Our team commonly deal with complex medical, psychiatric and psychological issues and we can help you navigate this complex area. Jeremy Dugdale sits as a Chairman in the Mental Health Tribunal and he, and other members of the team are well versed in advising in this area.

In Norwich, our local Designated Family Judge, His Honour Judge Richards (a former member of Chambers), has obtained a ticket in this area and we are able to deal with this area of law here in Norwich rather than travelling to London.

We aim to get you the best result at the best cost to you. You may be eligible for public funding in this area and we could refer you to a suitable solicitor for you to apply. We can provide advice at any stage of the process and often act at short notice assimilating facts overnight if needs be. Contact us and see how we can help. We commonly speak to clients via Skype, Facetime, telephone or e-mail, which is particularly useful to our clients based overseas. Alternatively, we can meet you in Chambers, at your Solicitor’s office or somewhere else convenient.

We understand how sensitive this kind of work is and offer empathetic and realistic advice. We are on your side.

Contact Us

Call or email us to discuss your legal problem and see how we can help

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Call or email us to discuss your legal problem and see how we can help

Other Family

Including Co-habitation Disputes, Children - Public Law, Domestic Abuse, Children, Finances

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Including Co-habitation Disputes, Children - Public Law, Domestic Abuse, Children, Finances

How We Work

More about our process, Public Access and how we can offer you assistance

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More about our process, Public Access and how we can offer you assistance

Meet Our Court of Protection Team